Super Wings Coin is a groundbreaking cryptocurrency project inspired by the beloved animated series, Super Wings. With a vision to revolutionize the world of digital transactions, we aim to bring the magic of Super Wings to the crypto space. Our mission is to create a vibrant and inclusive community where fans of the show can come together, while also introducing newcomers to the exciting world of cryptocurrencies.
Symbol : $Wings
Supply: 77M
Chain: Ethereum
Total Taxes: 4%/4%
Marketing: 2%
Development: 1%
LP: 1%
Phase 1: I'm pumped for launch!
Phase 2: Jet Speed!
Phase 3: Donnie can-do!
Deploy contract
Website launch
Twitter launch
Establish community
Token launch
Telegram & twitter callers
Youtubers & tiktokers
Strategic Partnerships
Meme contests
Cmc & Cg listings
Dextools & Avedex
Ads on CNToken
4Chan and Coinsniper
Buybots in huge groups
Reveal first utility
Huge airdrop campaign
Second utility live
T2 & T1 listings
Asian marketing campaign
20,000 holders
Phase 1: I'm pumped for launch!
Phase 2: Jet Speed!
Phase 3: Donnie can-do!
Deploy contract
Website launch
Twitter launch
Establish community
Token launch
Telegram & twitter callers
Youtubers & tiktokers
Strategic Partnerships
Meme contests
Cmc & Cg listings
Dextools & Avedex
Ads on CNToken
4Chan and Coinsniper
Buybots in huge groups
Reveal first utility
Huge airdrop campaign
Second utility live
T2 & T1 listings
Asian marketing campaign
20,000 holders
Super wings aims to provide A lovable community for all degens out there.
and to create One of the biggest memeS in existence.
Join the community and fly with us!!!
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